الثلاثاء، 19 أغسطس 2014

Sweet And Irresistible Baklava For You

By Deanne Shepard

This characteristically sweet and moist pastry is very popular in all countries that used to be parts of former Ottoman Empire. In some other parts of Asia it is served in all special occasions. Baklava is made of numerous layers of phillo or filo, very thin and dry pastry sheets, filled with nuts and drenched in very sweet sugar syrup. Although there are many different recipes, it is really simple to make, if you manage to buy filo.

Phillo or filo is maybe complicated to make, but can easily be bought. For one cake, you need twenty to twenty four sheets of filo, four cups of ground or chopped nuts, three cups of sugar, melted butter or oil and some spices, preferably cinnamon. You should place a few sheets of filo, each coated with oil, sprinkle every fourth layer with nuts and continue the procedure.

Sugar syrup is also simple to make. Three cups of sugar and one and a half cups of water should be cooked until become syrupy. You should also add some lemon juice and cinnamon in it. It is possible to replace one part of sugar with some other sweetener, usually honey, and to add other spices such as cloves.

Finish your cake with several sheets of filo, cut it to pieces and sprinkle with cold water. The cake is traditionally cut to diamond shapes, but you may cut it into cubes if you want. It should be baked up to thirty five minutes on 180 degrees of Celsius, in preheated oven. Hot cake should be drenched with cooled sugar syrup. The cake can be served after three or four hours.

Although walnuts, pistachios and hazelnuts are mostly used for this purpose, you may use almonds, macadamia nuts or any other type of nuts. In some parts of the world they add dry fruits, for example apricots or dates as well. They generally use four cups of nuts for filling, but it is nice to add more filling, if you prefer richer cakes. Cloves and cardamom taste very nice in these combinations.

You can add different spices into your syrup as well. Orange zest, cardamom and cloves are often added, but you can also add some rum, lime instead of lemon, some vanilla or any other mixture of spices. It is always quite tasty to replace at least one part of needed sugar with some honey, but it depends on your taste. Add your favorite spices in it.

Chocolate version is especially tasty. The procedure is the same, the only difference is in syrup. You should make the syrup without lemon juice, remove it from the heat and melt 200 grams of good chocolate in it. Don't forget to add some cinnamon, or a little bit of vanilla. Don't add lemon juice in this version, orange works better with chocolate. Pour this mixture over your baked cake and leave it to cool.

Really tasty filling is the one that include chopped and ground almonds and one to two cups of finely chopped apricots. If you add some apricot liqueur and orange juice and zest in your syrup, it will be even more interesting. You can play with different spices and other ingredients to create your own recipes, designed to suit your taste.

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