السبت، 22 أغسطس 2015

The Wonder Of An Oasis Water Source

By Nancy Gardner

When you go to a river or spring, you will be able to obtain the water you need for your daily living. With that, you can wash your food, clothes, body, and things well and can operate your daily activities properly. Here, you can see how important water is. So you cannot begin to imagine how it would be possible for places without bodies of water to survive.

However, you might be curious about how places which do not have existing streams, rivers, lakes, and springs can do without their presence. Just like the desert for example. This land is all sand and is dry due to the scorching heat of the sun. But people can still find a habitat in these places. This is actually because of oasis water source.

I read an article about this back in my elementary years. A passing traveller in the desert got lost along the way and had come roaming around the place instead. And so because of that, he had consumed all the water he had and because of the extreme heat of the day, he quickly became thirsty since the water in his body is fast evaporating.

That is why en route, passing travelers stop by an oasis in order to refill their water containers for the rest of the journey. But aside from that, they also feel the need to cool off with a refreshing bath and rest under the shades of the trees. This is how needed oases are in the desert. For such reason, it is often under political or military control.

And just as he expected, when he had dug deep enough, he felt damp under his feet. So he dug more and more. And alas, there was water. That was when I first encountered the term oasis. This is actually a term used to describe a place in the desert where you can obtain water. So it literally is underground. Just like on land, you have underground water sources too.

For the man made wells, generations of people have taken responsibility for their preservation and this is the reason why you can still benefit from them when you happen to come across the desert. Actually, these features have been of critical importance for trade as well as transportation routes. That is why political or military control has been the common engagements.

The one on land is called underground or bed rock source. The difference between them in their location. The oasis is in the desert, while the bed rock is on land. The similarity between the two is that they are both sourced underneath the ground. So that is the wonder in this source. It is pretty impressive that there can actually be clean water provided for us as such location.

But even if this is caused in a natural way, humans still need to manage the land in order to grow a better yield. Fields must be irrigated in order to grow plants such as olives, apricots, figs, and dates. But the most important plant to ever grow in this area is the palm date. This usually forms in the upper layer and shades smaller trees and plants forming in the middle layer.

That is why there is already the distillation process whereby filtering is done until the safest is produced. But the healthiest is water coming from nature because the nutrients are intact. However, if you are still not that sure, then boil it for safety purposes.

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